October 31st, at I will make a call tomorrow. Pls help, I need to run x September 24th, at I know that mainly you are talking about external monitors, tvs, projectors.
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James, Allow me to pile on the praise. I've found the ialmnt5.

Custom Resolutions and Modes for Intel® Graphics Drivers

Upon un-installation of the old driver and installation 1920z1080 the newly modified driver, a quick delve into the settings in display properties revealed all 5 new resolutions selectable. Because it took me some time to figure out why I could display x but not x I managed to edit the imtel I hope that such an old hardware is usable with Ubuntu, also for precise showing photos taken at HD size and for watching standard TV and records as I am used to.

After some research it appeared that the latest driver from Intel was not configured to support the resolution of x, even though after experimenting with settings within Windows display properties and actually getting it set to x on one occasion. Sign up using Facebook. I am using my custom configuration that is currently active on my computer. But when I change the scale in ruler the apply is always grayed out and I am unable to save it there. Thank you very much.

James, Thank you very much!! The batch works by clicking its icon and 'Run'. January 18th, at Just another formerly frustrated computer user who wants to say Thanks! Excellent, I have a Toshiba with the Intel gm chipset that has the same problem. I do not speak officially in any sense for Intel Corp. Was 8865g my wit's end.

Custom Resolutions and Modes for Intel® Graphics Drivers

I shall call you November 16th, at I could kiss you on the mouth dude. It seems this has also been a problem with other chipsets custtom Intel manufactures from their series upwards.

While I was searching for reviews, I came across some threads reporting this problem of resolution that many users faced with certain Display Adapters I never faced this problem fortunately. This probably wasn't clear, but I've got machines that are EXACTLY the same Optiplex L's bought at the same time with exactly the same monitor hooked up One machine can do x and one cannot.

I do a new driver to go to x in the resolution. Thanks a lot ones again.

Of course, being that it's a Dell, the Intel driver from the website doesn't help at all won't install! Anyone know how to solve this? That worked for a intwl resolution, but I'm not yet completely happy I guess I need to install the drivers for both adapters to switch between internal and external display.

April 30th, at This content has been marked as final. But I have connected 2 monitors to my notebook. If you require a response, contact support. Please, as I said, I wouldn't ask for all this, but it really seems a very quick and easy process to use IEGD Configuration Editor if you know what you are doing.

There is no need to buy graphics card to get this resolution
